Refugee Recordings

Artists Dimitri Defossé, Brent Mijnendonckx and Arne Vyt want to use Refugee Recordings to create awareness about people on the run. Through a participatory musical project, the artists want to give refugees from the Red Cross Linkeroever Antwerpen a sense of home and a voice.

'Music is a universal language, music and rhythm is in each of us, for example your heart is beating. Music is a connecting language that can bring you back to emotions and stories. As a musician I already played in other asylum centres, for refugees. Now we wanted to play with them, create together and enter into dialogue. It was a bit of a search at first, the participants are very shy in the beginning, but at the end of a workshop week our connection grew and we create beautiful things together', Arne Vyt.

The artists worked with various instruments and recorded everything, including the ambient noise in the centre, so that they could make samples with this material. Through a website they distributed a film about the project, some finished songs, short playlists of the workshops and photos of the singing exercises.

'In Corona we clearly see the negative impact of the decline in the number of cultural events. We cannot go to a musical performance, to the museum,... things that stimulate us as social beings. With Refugee Recordings, we underline more than ever the importance of cultural systems', Yassin Joris.