Demos is een team nomadische kenniswerkers. We volgen maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen die de cultuur-, jeugdwerk- en sportsector vormgeven en werken aan gelijkheid en participatie. We staan voor cultuur, jeugdwerk en sport die aansturen op maatschappelijke veranderingen en bouwen aan een meer open, inclusieve en democratische samenleving.
New call (H)art&society

New call (H)art&society
Do you like to connect through art to empower people and communities? Do you have a warm heart for society challenges? You are an artist, art college or a non-profit organisation, then this call is definitely for you!
6 partnerships will be retained with an amount of 5,000 euros. The deadline for submission is 7th November 2023. A programme/project runs for a maximum of 1.5 years.
- Read the conditions for participation and the assessment criteria here.
- Download the participation form
- Info about the call: ann.vandevyvere [at] – 0485 315 644.
- Lees hier de oproep in het Nederlands.
Strong participatory art practices
With the (H)art&society call, Demos and Cera support equal partnerships between artists, art colleges and non-profit organisations through an amount of 5,000 euros and through coaching and knowledge sharing. In this way, we strive for more strong participatory art practices. Through the partnership, challenges are addressed within a neighbourhood community. Cultural participation of people in a vulnerable position is greatly increased.
A project proposal within this call includes one or more arts disciplines (music, theatre, dance, multimedia, architecture, film, ...) and aims to have impact at different levels:
- Connecting and strengthening all stakeholders: the art college with young artists/students, the partner organisation(s) with (its) participants;
- Strengthening the cultural participation of people in a vulnerable position;
- Broadening and deepening of participatory art practice(s) among the applicants;
- Knowledge sharing at sector level (supported by Demos)
We will assist you with your project proposal
On 3 July, we will launch the call in Brussels and Flanders. We organize 3 free information sessions on the:
- 5th October 2023 at 6 p.m. in Brussels, RITSC
- 10th October at 5 p.m. in Ghent, Bijloke site
- 11th October at 5 p.m. in Antwerp, the Singel
The conditions for the partnership and submitting your project proposal are explained. Furthermore, we also clarify the selection process. You will have the opportunity to test a preliminary idea and meet possible partners. No project idea yet? We will support you in the set up and deployment of your project.
Register here for the information session of your choice.
Your target audience
Do you want to contribute to a stronger community? Then set up a collaborative project through a participatory art project. The administrative submitters and successors in accounting for the project are at least 1 art college and 1 non-profit organisation.
Read more about the role of the artist(s), the art college, the partner organisation(s) and the neighbourhood community here.
Photo (c) Kunstwerkplaats De Zandberg, AISA project Johan Vanderschelden en Klaas De Baere
Submitting a project proposal
The art college and the partner organisation(s) both submit the project file (minimum 2 submitters).
- One organisation must be designated as the administrative and legal responsible party for the project (= the main applicant).
- Responsibility in financing, implementation, evaluation and settlement is shared.
There is an equal cooperation between the art school, the artist(s), the participants and the organisation(s), based on a common interest and according to everyone's ability. Everyone's role is also discussed before the start of the project.
Download the participation form here. The deadline for submission is 7th of November 2023.
Support through coaching, knowledge sharing and the platform
Each project is a learning journey through exchange during network moments and the closing event (sector and general public). There we show, share and celebrate the knowledge gained and results of all projects. Demos secures the practical knowledge gained through articles on methodologies, project roll-out, various themes with social relevance.
The platform for participatory art practices supports the 6 partnerships by coaching and inspiring, by providing logistical and substantive support and by mapping the participatory art practices at art colleges in collaboration with organisations. This results in digital access via the knowledge base and the closing meeting.
The platform for participatory art practices aims to:
- Organisational strengthening (of organisations with participatory arts practice as a core activity and organisations active within the welfare and care sector that are in contact with vulnerable target groups from day-to-day operations) in various areas;
- Disseminate the importance and power of participatory art practice within art colleges, to policy-makers, teachers and students with a view to structurally embedding participatory art practice in curricula in the longer term. Inspire tomorrow's artists to experiment with participatory art practice;
- Share knowledge, exchange expertise and experiences tailored to and in function of the needs of the various target groups.
The platform for participatory art practices (previously AISA platform) includes partner art colleges and (community) organisations. In their daily work they are in contact with people in a vulnerable position, artists with a participatory art practice and representatives for people who find it difficult to access art and culture.
Closing event
At the end of the 6 projects, there will be a closing event for the sector and all those interested in participatory art practices. There, we will show, share and celebrate the knowledge and results of all projects.
Do you want more information? Contact the coordinator of (H)art&society: Ann Van de Vyvere at ann.vandevyvere [at] or 0465-315 644.
Find us on Facebook!
Since September 2018, Cera and Demos have joined forces and shared ambitions in terms of realising social impact in the Arts and Culture domain, previously through Arts in Society Award and the Cera Impulse programme, from 2023 through (H)art&society.
With 400,000 enthusiastic associates, Cera is the country's most warm cooperative. Together we get further, experience more and increase investment in strong initiatives that connect people and in meaningful projects. We have a warm heart for each other.